
Canadian thoughts (I didn’t get anywhere)

This is very likely not an original thought, but I haven't seen anything quite along the same lines yet – though I don't get to spend nearly enough time reading as I'd like to. Okay, so I was just talking with my partner about how the Canadian (and all over the world) housing market is being gobbled up by corporations (many just numbered) and the rich. Now, they've all been vehemently against any kind of raising of wages (not unlike anywhere else, really) but they've definitely figured out how to get the peanuts back that they so graciously give us with our garbage wages. When they buy up and own the housing market and then rent it back to us at outrageous prices, they are just recouping their costs for any wages they pay to us wage slaves. Then they use that money to help buy up more property, block…

This is very likely not an original thought, but I haven't seen anything quite along the same lines yet – though I don't get to spend nearly enough time reading as I'd like to.

Okay, so I was just talking with my partner about how the Canadian (and all over the world) housing market is being gobbled up by corporations (many just numbered) and the rich. Now, they've all been vehemently against any kind of raising of wages (not unlike anywhere else, really) but they've definitely figured out how to get the peanuts back that they so graciously give us with our garbage wages.

When they buy up and own the housing market and then rent it back to us at outrageous prices, they are just recouping their costs for any wages they pay to us wage slaves. Then they use that money to help buy up more property, block more paths to education and financial freedom, and are driving us in a tighter and tighter spiral that is gradually (rapidly) coming to a close.

Since they keep making it so freakin' expensive to live anywhere, they're making it harder to find wage slaves to employ to keep the machine(s) running. This is making it so even the petite bourgeoisie are suffering and making them turn their remaining wealth and all of their hatred towards lower wage slaves with our inability to live and work in areas because of the soaring costs of living and housing.

It seems to just be a matter of time before this is all going to explode because nobody can afford to work. People can't afford to work. They can't afford to move to places to find cheaper homes because it's all being bought up too quickly by the rich.

To top it all off, there's the issue of many intelligent people lacking the education to be able to think clearly on most (any) topics making them further pawns for keeping the money funnelling upwards.

I don't know what my point is here, but there NEEDS to be massive worldwide reforms because of the nature of how incredibly united we all are with even the smallest of actions at this point in our globalization.

There isn't a lack of intelligence with people, there's a lack of education. That lack of education makes them hate the educated and even seem to be waging war against the educated – especially since the beginning of the pandemic with (Ronny Cheng reference) every D average student that sat in the back of the class suddenly stepping forward and claiming they know all of the background information to make a meaningful discussion to help us move forward with massively complex situations that require experts the world over to discuss, much less hope to fix.

Crap. I keep trying to wrap it up and just get stuck thinking about another crappy part of it all. It's an exhausting cycle that too many people and many of our parents (my boomer parents are sitting in this category) are incapable of comprehending that the world is different today and that $15 an hour is NOT a livable wage and it is NOT equivalent to when they were kids. They were able to buy a house and support a family on minimum wage. Double income families still struggle massively to make ends meet, let alone find a way to put money away to try to save for a home.

Is there any kind of assistance anyone can possibly think to provide that would help? The main things I try to do are stay educated (not watching rebel/fox news but actually reading platforms and expert opinions) on who's running for what, when, and what they're actually all about. Too many people are wrapped up in, “This team sucks! I can't wait until the only other team that's ever been elected gets back in power! Then they'll suck and we can just cycle back to the other one again!” without considering that there's more than two options (at least in most cases) and that it IS possible to change with a vote. But then….. dammit…. that brings up how the US supreme court is essentially laying the groundwork to breed their voter base… and how too many Canadians think they are living in the United States where they reference their first amendment rights and say brilliant things like “You can't change an amendment!”… Gah.

I'm sorry I didn't get anywhere with this. I thought I had an idea, but I just kind of spiralled. HELP!

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