
Can’t find any work at home jobs for New York State?

Anyone else here who lives in NY unable to find places that will hire because you live in NY? I figure it must have something to do with certain laws or how taxes work in NY but I’ve looked on places such as ratracerebellion or a lot of the companies people recommend but they only hire in certain states and never NY. What is anyone who lives in NY doing for work? I know people recommend IT or programming but I’m afraid learning any of that is beyond me.

Anyone else here who lives in NY unable to find places that will hire because you live in NY? I figure it must have something to do with certain laws or how taxes work in NY but I’ve looked on places such as ratracerebellion or a lot of the companies people recommend but they only hire in certain states and never NY.

What is anyone who lives in NY doing for work? I know people recommend IT or programming but I’m afraid learning any of that is beyond me.

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