
Can’t give me the courtesy of 2 weeks, why should I?

So for the last 11 months I’ve been working for a small local business that “sells” the services of a large corporation. Totally a covid choice to come work for them, really struggled to find a job after some family stuff happened and they offered to pay my testing and licensing fees if I passed and came on board. Cool let’s make it happen. Fast forward to today and while I’m doing extremely well for them, my heart just isn’t in it. I hate coming into work and it’s completely demoralized the majority of my day. So a couple months ago I received an offer to get on the local civil service order of merit list, jumped at it, told my boss I was thinking about it as a courtesy, etc. Wednesday of this week rolls around and I’ve had enough, I tell them I’m definitely going the civil service…

So for the last 11 months I’ve been working for a small local business that “sells” the services of a large corporation. Totally a covid choice to come work for them, really struggled to find a job after some family stuff happened and they offered to pay my testing and licensing fees if I passed and came on board. Cool let’s make it happen.

Fast forward to today and while I’m doing extremely well for them, my heart just isn’t in it. I hate coming into work and it’s completely demoralized the majority of my day. So a couple months ago I received an offer to get on the local civil service order of merit list, jumped at it, told my boss I was thinking about it as a courtesy, etc.

Wednesday of this week rolls around and I’ve had enough, I tell them I’m definitely going the civil service route, I will work whatever works for them, whether they want me gone now or they want me to work another 2 weeks, but that I REFUSE to cold call another person. I will train the new people, I’ll answer calls, perform service work, but I’m not cold calling anymore. Office manager says “Oh I thought you were going to stay on until you left for civil service” . I said I would rather just put my 2 weeks notice in, etc. We agree that the end of the month would be my last day.

Office manager sends me an email at 5pm stating that “they will agree to let me work another 2 weeks” (cool you just begged me to stay all summer) and that “per the employee handbook since you did not complete a full year of employment your last paycheck will be garnished to refund the business for those expenses. I’ll be 2 weeks away from the year mark on my last day…

Absolutely cannot wait to walk in there tomorrow and tell them since you can’t extend 2 weeks as a courtesy, I don’t think I will either. Looks like it’ll be an early weekend for me.

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