
Can’t hold a job, what are my options?

Hey, I used to be a workaholic doing 120+ hour work weeks on the regular, then had a year or two long traumatic “event”. I now can’t hold a job, I’ve been through 20 this year I’m sure. I keep trying, I’m excited to work to make that money, I’m ok with the work and the people usually. I’ve tried many coping methods, therapists, and medications. Whatever happens I just get too depressed before work and don’t go, or during work I get depressed, anxious, or have a panic attack which end up to me quitting or getting fired. I’ve just given up yesterday after losing the nicest job I’ve ever been in(high pay, really nice height adjustable desks, good computers, window on a high floor beside my desk, free food, etc), and the longest I’ve held one since I got kicked out and have to live by myself and…

Hey, I used to be a workaholic doing 120+ hour work weeks on the regular, then had a year or two long traumatic “event”. I now can’t hold a job, I’ve been through 20 this year I’m sure. I keep trying, I’m excited to work to make that money, I’m ok with the work and the people usually. I’ve tried many coping methods, therapists, and medications. Whatever happens I just get too depressed before work and don’t go, or during work I get depressed, anxious, or have a panic attack which end up to me quitting or getting fired. I’ve just given up yesterday after losing the nicest job I’ve ever been in(high pay, really nice height adjustable desks, good computers, window on a high floor beside my desk, free food, etc), and the longest I’ve held one since I got kicked out and have to live by myself and gotta pay rent and food.

That’s my shitty situation, my options that I know are:
Unemployment- id probably get more depressed, and I’d need a lawyer and lots of monies to get unemployment for depression or whatever

Death- most desirable right now, just live a wonderful few weeks and run out of money then end it. I’m not the typical suicidal, I just don’t find a point or happiness in life, I’m more logical than emotional usually. Been searching for answers for a WHILE and life seems to get more rough and dramatic.

If anyone has clarity or other ideas please let me know.

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