
Can’t Make Jokes At Work

One time I was working at brewery where I helped package the cans. It is always hot and there’s no A/C. On this particular summer day, we had to set up an assembly line to bottle stouts. Before we begin, I notice that our line is L-shaped. I turn to my coworker and joke that it’s symbolic of our long hours and low wages, which got an audible laugh from a few others. My supervisor walks over to ask me to repeat myself, so I did. They said it’s better than being paid at McDonald’s to which I replied, “They start at $15/hour.” “Oh, yeah? Well, how about you go work there then?” They didn’t know I already accepted a job offer elsewhere, so I just said, “No, but I’ll do you one better. I quit.” Know your worth, folks.

One time I was working at brewery where I helped package the cans. It is always hot and there’s no A/C. On this particular summer day, we had to set up an assembly line to bottle stouts.

Before we begin, I notice that our line is L-shaped. I turn to my coworker and joke that it’s symbolic of our long hours and low wages, which got an audible laugh from a few others.

My supervisor walks over to ask me to repeat myself, so I did. They said it’s better than being paid at McDonald’s to which I replied, “They start at $15/hour.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, how about you go work there then?”

They didn’t know I already accepted a job offer elsewhere, so I just said, “No, but I’ll do you one better. I quit.”

Know your worth, folks.

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