
Can’t take it anymore

My wife and I are in our late 40s, and we make just over six figures combined, but we just can't take the 40-50 hours a week anymore. We've been financially stable for the first time, these last few years, but life is rapidly passing us by and we'll never have the savings to retire. We both love our jobs, but we just want to live our lives for ourselves, not the company. How crazy is it that we want to quit in order to live our lives for ourselves?

My wife and I are in our late 40s, and we make just over six figures combined, but we just can't take the 40-50 hours a week anymore. We've been financially stable for the first time, these last few years, but life is rapidly passing us by and we'll never have the savings to retire. We both love our jobs, but we just want to live our lives for ourselves, not the company. How crazy is it that we want to quit in order to live our lives for ourselves?

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