
Can’t wait to resign on Monday

Five months ago, I was offered an individual contributor position X, but have been working my tail off to perform both – position X and Management Y. Classic bait huh? I’m the only person having skillsets and experience they need, but they refused to officially recognize me with a title and fair compensation. My boss literally told me that title is not important to him. They don’t want to hire another person either, but just spent $200k for a 2-month contractor who had very minimal effort. I don’t blame that contractor since my boss has no experience in technical and management. As my boss is about to put more workload on my plate in April, I’m excited to give my 2 week notice on Monday! I was offered a leadership role at another company. Although it’s contract, it has 2 years potential and should open up to more opportunities for…

Five months ago, I was offered an individual contributor position X, but have been working my tail off to perform both – position X and Management Y. Classic bait huh? I’m the only person having skillsets and experience they need, but they refused to officially recognize me with a title and fair compensation. My boss literally told me that title is not important to him. They don’t want to hire another person either, but just spent $200k for a 2-month contractor who had very minimal effort. I don’t blame that contractor since my boss has no experience in technical and management. As my boss is about to put more workload on my plate in April, I’m excited to give my 2 week notice on Monday! I was offered a leadership role at another company. Although it’s contract, it has 2 years potential and should open up to more opportunities for me.

I’ve realized that the current incompetent boss/company has been stealing my mental health and daily happiness.

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