
Capitalism is not the problem

I always see posts here complaining about their living situation. The money they are paid, the cost of everything, hell I'm even in the same situation. it's terrible that people are living in these conditions in first world countries. They always round off their complaints with how capitalism is a trap. Capitalism is not the problem. Capitalism to explain simply just means you get paid an agreed upon rate for work that you do and it's run privately rather than by the state. How that rate is defined is supply demand and other factors etc. The problem isn't the structure of capitalism, the problem is greedy people exploiting and cheating other people out of fair pay. This part is the source of the problem. I would much rather continue to live in a capitalist society than the alternatives. It has been proven, throughout history that alternatives (like a communist society)…

I always see posts here complaining about their living situation. The money they are paid, the cost of everything, hell I'm even in the same situation. it's terrible that people are living in these conditions in first world countries.
They always round off their complaints with how capitalism is a trap.

Capitalism is not the problem. Capitalism to explain simply just means you get paid an agreed upon rate for work that you do and it's run privately rather than by the state. How that rate is defined is supply demand and other factors etc.

The problem isn't the structure of capitalism, the problem is greedy people exploiting and cheating other people out of fair pay. This part is the source of the problem. I would much rather continue to live in a capitalist society than the alternatives. It has been proven, throughout history that alternatives (like a communist society) does not work. But the core of the issue is greed and exploitation by the people at the top, not the system itself.

Edit: one thing, if you want to complain or attack me for saying this, which I don't understand btw, conversations are great without insults, but this is the internet, oh well.

All I ask is for you to propose a viable alternative before you tell me I'm an idiot.

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