
Car broke down and now I’m suspended and my job hangs by a thread.

Sunday night I was heading to work and my brakes started to fail. I managed to pull over safely and wait for a tow truck but since it was 9:30 p.m. I didn’t get any help until four hours later, thanks AAA, and I even borrowed a car so I could make it in to work once my car got loaded onto the tow truck. AAA requires you to show ID in order to receive service so it’s not like I could have just told the driver where it was and left the scene. Less than 36 hours earlier I had an oil change and a full vehicle inspection from the car dealership so naturally I was fuming pissed that they didn’t catch the fact that something was wrong with my brakes. The technician said everything on my car was good to go and I only found out later that…

Sunday night I was heading to work and my brakes started to fail. I managed to pull over safely and wait for a tow truck but since it was 9:30 p.m. I didn’t get any help until four hours later, thanks AAA, and I even borrowed a car so I could make it in to work once my car got loaded onto the tow truck. AAA requires you to show ID in order to receive service so it’s not like I could have just told the driver where it was and left the scene. Less than 36 hours earlier I had an oil change and a full vehicle inspection from the car dealership so naturally I was fuming pissed that they didn’t catch the fact that something was wrong with my brakes. The technician said everything on my car was good to go and I only found out later that when they checked my brakes they didn’t even take the wheel off they just looked at my rotors with the wheels still on! Apparently this is their policy.

This morning my supervisor comes in and tells me because I was more than two hours late, I’m being suspended for three days with no pay. What’s even worse is that this suspension means that if I’m late one more time within the next three months I’m fired. No questions asked. To top it off, this suspension isn’t effective immediately. My supervisor has elected to suspend me three Wednesdays in a row so I don’t get three day weekends during this time.

I’ve had perfect attendance for 7 MONTHS! I was never late during this time period, not even by a single minute. I stayed late to finish incomplete work and volunteered myself to work Saturday’s when we needed to get work done because of how much I make for overtime. My supervisor didn’t even offer me the chance to make up the hours. I worked through the pandemic for this company and I even got Covid once despite being fully vaccinated and boosted and they took my vacation days, my sick days, and still didn’t pay me for one of the days I was out.

There is no such thing as a “good job” or a “good company”. Fuck the car dealership, fuck AAA, fuck my supervisor, and fuck my company and the raggedy ass boomer that owns it.

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