
Care about winning of making money?

On a lunch walk why not rant. If you own the business I respect that’s your workplace and you’re my senior. However, when I don’t respect is when the mentality is all about the money and he’s not winning. This is because a business that’s winning is making money but it’s A different approach. I thought we were here to win, turns out they just care about money. There’s almost no reason why I couldn’t work from home and have a company cell phone. I can be over an hour and a half and Gas is the highest it’s ever been. I’m not trying to do the minimal, but I want to be treated like I’m paid. There literally is no thought about “am I paying my employees enough to live, pay for gas,Cover the bills “. It’s ridiculous and I can’t get over it because I thought we were…

On a lunch walk why not rant. If you own the business I respect that’s your workplace and you’re my senior. However, when I don’t respect is when the mentality is all about the money and he’s not winning. This is because a business that’s winning is making money but it’s A different approach. I thought we were here to win, turns out they just care about money. There’s almost no reason why I couldn’t work from home and have a company cell phone. I can be over an hour and a half and Gas is the highest it’s ever been. I’m not trying to do the minimal, but I want to be treated like I’m paid. There literally is no thought about “am I paying my employees enough to live, pay for gas,Cover the bills “. It’s ridiculous and I can’t get over it because I thought we were going in a direction where I’m not saying full-blown communism and expecting free things but I was expecting there to be more of a “we need to treat our people better because of the staffing issues and what we’re seeing from any article on the subject “. How can you only offer a wage and just expect someone to have their own private healthcare let alone having to drive over an hour and a half to get to an office. It’s ridiculous and I don’t see why it’s so oblivious to the people who are higher up and no they are the most paid people in the room. Talking to a friend he said that they are just trying to spin you around use you for a year and a half create the procedures that your job fills and after you do all the work and make the instructions for the next person make you feel devalued so you’ll quit Or look for another job, because you already made their entire job description for them. You know it’s bad when your higher-ups sad there’s so much to do but we can’t tell you what your job description is.

You want me to work like a winner but you pay me like a loser

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