Category: Antiwork
Also, I wonder if fully remote jobs are highly desirable?
A lot of people who supposedly “hate” their job, don’t actually hate their jobs, they just hate their superiors messing up the experience for them causing them to believe that they hate what they’re doing. Some managers I had were pretty cool, but some are unresponsive to their employee’s needs. Some are downright bullies which is sadly all too common.
Would 9 months be too much?
Worried About My Paycheck
My workplace is doing a lotta terrible things, not the least of which are largely ignoring a few food safety standards, and not giving legally required meal breaks or pay stubs. But last Friday my boss paid everyone in cash, which is highly unusual since I, at least, have been paid via direct deposit for about half a year. I’m not sure about my other coworkers, but when I first arrived they were paid in cash- though I haven’t seen them get paid at all since asking to be switched to direct deposit But though this was certainly rather odd, what really set off alarm bells is that one of my coworkers didn’t get paid from their prior pay period. Their check bounced multiple times. They apparently got paid that paycheck and this last one in cash last Friday, so they’re good, but this feels like it should be a…
I need ADVISE on what job to do
I am stuck between two jobs, and I need help. The options are doing aba therapy making 27/hr with limited hours a week (approx 20 – 24), or working at a grocery store (ALDI) making $19.50 but having more hours. I want to consider the workload, and I know ALDI will probably be very physically strenous. I'm a full time student, and I don't know if I can handle that, but I also need money, and ABA isn't alot of hours. What should I do? Please help.
Been miserable here all year, it didn’t used to be this way but my old boss retired and most my coworkers quit, me and this new team don’t vibe. The boss isn’t mean but she’s useless and has been disrespectful when I’ve brought things to her attention. This boss has it out for me idk if it’s cause I’m probably only 1 of 2 people that were here before her and she inherited me. But when I bring a suggestion to her or point out mistakes she’ll accuse me of telling her what to do or doesn’t care. And instead of talking to me she’ll write that stuff on my one on one performance where higher ups and HR can see. She also value newer people who repeatedly no show no call and make the same mistakes over me yet doesn’t call them out on it. She just makes me…