Hi, There are several anarchist collectives around in Belgium. However we are always looking for new members. You can find us on fb and instagram. “Anarchistisch collectief Brugge” We organise and support protests, soup kitchens, hold meetings, etc! If you are interested feel free to leave a pm and we will get in touch with you! Let's work together towards an equal society! Feel free to pm me or ask here for more info
Category: Antiwork
My mental health is not the problem
I'm not sure if this goes here, but I read this reddit a lot and feel like this is similar to what I've read on here before. I'm an RA for my university and for any of yall you have been RA's you know that it is ROUGH. Especially now during the pandemic and the mask mandate getting lifted in some places. Mask policy violations are one of the main things we have to deal with and most of the time the residents see it as a joke. I've dealt with so much backlash and aggressive students that my mental health has definitely taken a toll. At some point earlier this semester I brought up my struggles, along side another RA friend, to our supervisors and that was probably one of the worst decisions I could have ever made for my mental health. Over the past, I think barely a…
We need living wages.
A bit of back story to the shit storm cooking. My job is pretty easy however there is a LOT to do (Tech). However, since the pandemic, we were told working from home is a big NO NO. We have tried fighting for this for god knows how long. Recently, there was a meeting between all the managers, where the owner had said, “He does not want to breed a flexible work culture”. Now my job is to provide support to clients all around the country, I do not need to physically ever be there, hence why we wanted a hybrid work system. Recently, I became ill, so I spent 2 weeks in hospital. On my first day back, the Owner came down to the floor I was working, said my name out loud, and said, “YOU KNOW THAT THING YOU GET AT THE END OF THE MONTH?”, at this…
Honest to God question. I've spend a good 10 years in operational and general management in catering and decided to give up due to stress, burnout and being sick to my teeth of making an owner/CEO money for no comparable returns.. The pay was decent'ish, sometimes there were bonuses, but these were a joke in comparison to the money I made for the company. Seeing an owner line their pockets while the team literally made the company what it was, was becoming unbearable. I worked on a fixed wage, and often ending up having to work 90-100 hours per week, always trying to be available for staff and their personal/work related issues, make sure there is replacement when someone is sick or if one of the location managers fucked up, implement new systems of work for better conditions and more efficiency, outsource repairs, write reports, do events and open new…
So I started a new job in a small design and manufacturing business, and while it is in an industry I like the pressure is huge. The business is hanging by a thread with payments and has a liquidity ratio of 0.4 (This measures how much it could pay off a months expenses in one go with 1 being 1 month) the fact that our company can barely cover 2 weeks of expenses while also selectively not issuing payment until being threatened with legal action disturbed me greatly. I decided to ask a couple of CEO's of sub 100 employee companies on LinkedIn their thoughts on this. One replied, here was his answer: “Hi X this kind of practice is common, it isn't good but more prevalent since covid. The main reason is often because their own clients do this too. Like a knock on effect. ” This horrifies me.…
John Maynard Keynes, 'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money', Chapter 24. Sources: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.115101 https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/125515/1366_KeynesTheoryofEmployment.pdf ISBN: 978-0-230-00476-4