
I need my beard

It’s my first time posting in this subreddit but i desperately need help. I work at a McDonalds with a strict no beard policy, but i want to grow mine out again. Does anyone know any way I could possibly get around their beard rule?


Being screwed with “on call” work

My employer pays me a small premium for on call work after hours. In practice this has meant taking random calls from the front line staff and providing direction or simply documenting occurrences, not actually having to go into work… Most often I was getting no calls at all. Most recently however they have added to my on call duties, an “employee check in” procedure for one employee who is working alone… Meaning now I have to always take 3 calls from this employee daily on my on-call days, to ensure the employee is safe. This is very different from what I was doing, it is employers due diligence as part of a “working alone policy” to protect the employee…. However also part of my duties is now taking action when the that employee doesn’t check in, in practice this means I now have to keep track of timelines on…


I didn’t know $15-$16/hour in a HCOL was “Great pay”, have to target those non fast food entry level workers I guess


Two weeks pay

My partners employer removed their ability to clock in on their employee portal a few days after they put in their two weeks notice. Isn't this illegal? What steps should be taken?


32 questions! Screw you!


What is your favourite subreddit to waste time on at work? Preferably SFW

As someone who does almost nothing at work most days, I need to find the most entertaining subs to waste time on. Answers are very much appreciated.


Just received a job offer, for a company that ghosted me in January.

I had to look back to see when I even interviewed with them – and it was early January and they went dark and ghosted me. I left an email and a VM back then, didn’t hear back and went along on my way and got another, much more lucrative job. Open my email today and boom! You wonder why it’s hard for companies to keep people.


Guess my masters has no value.

I’m a speech therapist and to become one it is required we earn a masters degree from a 2.5 year program. 60+ credits and over $1,000 per credit hour. The schools in my state of IN are starting SLPs the same as a first year teacher with a bachelors. They wonder why they can’t hire SLPs….


No coverage

I’m trying to call in sick, because I have really bad head cold. Fever, congestion, coughing type sickness. My boss makes us text around to our coworkers to find our own coverage, and If we can’t find anyone to cover our shift we just have to go in anyway? We have signs up at work that say “don’t come in if you’re sick, you’ll spread it around” but we can’t call out? It’s such a weird business practice and especially stressful for an $11/hr worker…


Found This on Facebook hope you enjoy