
Given a 5% raise, for doing the work of two separate positions. I was told “oh that’s a great raise, you will definitely see that in your check”.

Just got home. Can't believe what a joke of a raise it is. I make 42,000 a year and after this raise it will be 44,190 which is the equivalent to 181$ increase after taxes a month. I feel gutted and destroyed. This is a non profit and normally this second position makes $50,000 a year. I was expecting at a minimum, $15,000 raise and this is an utter joke. My hours have more than tripled and if I could have afforded it, I would have walked out right then. I didn't bother to negotiate because I knew it wouldn't matter. Right when I was driving home I called my husband and asked when the earliest I could quit is. Looking at our budget I could quit is in March. Like the last week of March. Since reading all the stories here on the subreddit I've decided that I will…


It’s easier to just change traffic lights than treat workers like decent people


Record job-switching rates are pushing U.S. inflation higher, Chicago Fed study finds


As a camera operator, I will state that it is an invasion of privacy.

They ask me to review specific people and what they were doing and when they did certain things. Sooo creepy, just so they can possibly catch someone who may or may not have clocked in or out for lunch and save the company $13. What a joke of a job and if your store has cameras, they are lying and backstabbing and being extra creepy just fyi


Anyone else always hated when someone tells you:

'If you want a living wage, perhaps you should go to a trade school or have an actually marketable career.' And it always comes from the older generation. Has it never occurred to them that, perhaps, anyone who trades 40 hours (or less) of their time a week should be entitled to living a comfortable life? And also, anyone who is disabled or cannot otherwise work, as well. It's beyond selfish to think that someone who can't work, for ANY reason, should languish in poverty. I always try, and fail, to understand that sentiment. In their mind, the people who serve you: fast food workers, concierge, janitors, teachers…they should continue to do their job while living in despair??? And how the fuck can you expect someone to learn a trade or a skill that takes many hours to learn while they're impoverished?! How can anyone be so far removed from…


How many people here are gen z?

I'm part of gen z myself. I've been a part of this sub for a while and wasn't sure if anyone else was part of gen z. You guys have opened my eyes even more to a lot of people's struggle in this sub and in America. And this sub has definitely impacted at least one kid in gen z. I'm grateful for this sub for having me not fall into the trap of the whole “work until you die” mentality. Thank you.


Domino’s doesn’t give a sh*t about you

Tl,Dr: work delivering pizzas for Domino's on a bike, said weather was shitty and boss didn't care. I got hit by a car from faulty brakes and boss didn't ask once if I was even okay. So another post about Domino's is making me recall this story. Basically I started working as a delivery driver on those electric bikes they have in a hugely known city. I get my own bike but it's store property and I can't work on it…. which I wouldn't care about except the bike is in extremely bad shape and the brakes barely work. Regardless I keep working. One fateful day I show up for work and it's a downpour.I'm talking flooding in the streets. It's also 5 o clock traffic. I start delivering my pizzas and I get back and tell boss man the weather is dangerous and I don't feel safe. He says…


I just had to show the new “temp to hire” my company brought in how to use a faucet. Not a crazy faucet as in part of a job, a faucet as in he asked me how to make water come out of the sink like he’s never seen indoor plumbing before…

The last temp they brought in was covered in prison tattoos and was addicted to meth…thats not a guess either. He ended up finally getting fired after he had an “episode” in the bathroom where the ambulance needed to be called. Now we have this new guy who stared at the sink for 10 whole minutes before he poked me and grunted, literally grunted. Before you ask, yes he speaks English. This man is also in his 50's. I asked him what he needed and he just said “water.” To be honest I was so confused at first, but he honestly had no idea how it worked. It was just a basic faucet, nothing fancy. Now maybe you're reading this and think I'm being harsh, but I work in a factory. In this factory we have fire and chemicals and dangerous machines. I have to take these meth addicts now…


Cool Company Trashed by Venture Capitalists

Took a new job based on amazing Glassdoor reviews, stories in local media, testimonials from ex-employees on LinkedIn, etc., by all accounts a very pro-employee outfit, Top 10 place to work in the metro area. Best health insurance I've ever had in my life, reasonable (mid-range for position) salary offer, they provided infinite scheduling flexibility to assist with my cross-country move….. After I accept the offer but before I start the company is sold to a venture capital firm. It took them less than a year to end very pro-employee policy on the books. Long tenured employees are fleeing in droves and customers are noticing. Kicker for me personally was getting a half-inflation raise after a banner year (exceeds expectations review, multiple peer awards, saved two at risk accounts), then it was spun as I should be grateful for that because most people got less (true from what I've heard),…


My friend put in a request two weeks ago to swap her late Friday shift with a girl working the early Friday shift. It requires no PTO and doesn’t disrupt anyone else’s schedule. It was denied and her manager is holding her absence to attend her grandmother’s memorial service over her head.