
“Did you figure out what you like best [desk job or manual labour]?”


You say…


r/antiwork, I present to you, official proof that capitalism can suck my balls (points 1 + 2)


“Competitive Wages” So sick of these stupid, corporate, Buzzwords in job ads.


The circle of life…


Many people on this sub are honestly just lazy people

Yes, some employers are bad, as are some working conditions. If you are able to self-employ that may be ideal. But honestly reading through the daily posts on here, many people are just lazy. Some of your lazy asses are also struggling financially because you are lazy. This should be an environment to productively “anti-work” not complain about your employer because they actually expect you to work when you are not on breaks. Most posts on here aren’t even consistent with the posted mission of the subreddit. It’s just to complain. Edit: example this post here. What is the point? He’s angry cause he thought he was gonna make $90/hr as a customer rep at planet fitness—where memberships are like $10/mo—, which is clearly a typo, cause who in their sensible mind would even believe it wasn’t a mistake. The applications says $12/hr in an area where minimum wage is…


This month I worked 242 hours. Guess how much did I make


curious about inflation pay increases

My company gave out less than 3% year end pay bump last year and I just saw a figure of 8% for inflation. I'm curious if anyone or any company actually gave out pay increases of 8% for inflation. Any examples of companies actually doing the right thing here?


I’m in my early 20’s but I have 8+ years of experience. How the fuck do I convince an employer this is true?

Well, I really do have 8+years of total work experience. I've been working mostly in sales when I was still in school(worked every single day in the afternoons because my family couldn't afford my education) and I did it as a side hustle while still having contract based jobs in more recent years. Now the problem is that employers always tell me that these are not real work experiences and the usual BS. For them, if you have that much experience, you should be over 30. Seriously what the fuck. I'm so talented in sales that I could sell a pen to someone with no hands. But whenever I go on an interview or something they always find a way to cut that number in half or more. My last job, the bitch interviewer told me that she would consider only 1 year of relevant experience. I told her that…


My boss is planing on firing my co-worker, how should I proceed?

If this isn’t the right sub for this please kindly tell me to fuck off so I can take the post down. 2 days ago my boss told me they are looking for 2 new ppl to recruit so I could introduce anyone I knew. One part-time position with no skills required and one full-time position with the exact skill set of the coworker in question. I was like great, I’ll look for ppl and was actually happy about getting new ppl because the workload is fucking crazy for that one coworker (and everyone else in the company honestly.) Now this conversation did not happen privately and other ppl were around. Next day I am talking to said coworker and she mentions getting a (one) new part-time coworker is gonna be great because it’s gonna be less hectic. I was a little confused because my boss mentioned two ppl. And…