I work at a university in California and I get charged $91 per month for parking. The parking pass is per car so if I want to drive my wife's car for the day I can't. If my car breaks down I just have to call out because it would cost me a few hours pay to park her car. The university offers a van pool but I think you have to pay for that too. My supervisor told me he tried it, complained that the driver was unsafe, and was told he needs a 90 day notice or to supply them with a replacement in order to quit the van pool. I'll be leaving this job in August as my gi bill's housing allowance will pay me about 90% as much as I'm taking home now. But my supervisor requested a raise for me which was denied because “the…
Category: Antiwork
As soon as he let me go I filed for unemployment, but was very perplexed when it said my benefits would be $0 because I had earned zero wages since 2021. A call with unemployment office later and I learn that he hasn’t reported his employee wages for over a year. I sent the unemployment office my W2, which certainly does prove that he was paying an employee during that period, and am currently waiting to hear back. So… what the f*** is going? The only reason an employer wouldn’t report employee wages is to commit tax fraud, right? What are the repercussions of this? What should I do? Did my boss commit a crime or is this a slap on the wrist kind of thing? I have no experience with business taxes or anything like that so I just don’t even know what to expect going forward.
Started a project at a very large medical device company right before Covid hit. Upper management said it was super high priority and would expect us to work late nights and weekends to get it done (which we did), but would compensate us well saying we’d get additional bonuses and a trip to Disney land. Well, after 3 years (half of which I was working 60hr weeks) we’re able to launch it. The team and I haven’t received any additional bonuses or trips to Disney land, just a handful of happy hours, 2 yeti’s, a wind breaker and now a fucking bucket hat…
He then wanted me to help him organize his business finances on a huge spreadsheet. So… it’s totally interpersonally dysfunctional.
Pretty much what the title says. I have (had) a co-worker who crossed his 10 year mark with the company last month. As per company policy, the final bump in pay and PTO is at the 10 year mark. He is now making the most money he will ever make with this company. He could stay for another 10 years and will not get another raise after this one. This last week, he put in his resignation. When HR asked him why he’s leaving, he them that he has no incentive to stay with the company. He said that because he can’t get anymore raises from this employer, the only way for him to make more money is to go to a different company. He is using this most recent raise/benefits bump as a bargaining chip when negotiating wages at the next company. He took an offer with a company…
Ah, the truth is admitted
What a joke! I was incredibly overqualified to have this additional part-time 8 hours per week job. But they hired someone who agreed to do 2 jobs.