My first ever peer evaluations. There's politics at play here…people are friends. So I said screw it and just wrote overly positive peer evals. The one reads like a damn letter of recommendation saying the thing I'd like to see them do differently is mentor and lead more team members and basically they should be a boss. I'm sure, I may come off as insincere or too nice, but the one IS a great colleague and mentor to me. Do I think feedback is a useful tool? Yes, but if I had constructive criticism that would help someone's career, I would talk to them about it way before review season. If I had a problem with someone's work, I'd be an adult and talk to them asap so they can choose to correct or not. I'm damn sure not going to sell people out in an HR file.
Category: Antiwork
I so hope this is suture
They don’t deserve us
Lately I've been seeing stories about people getting fired and then being begged to come back because their employer can't fill their positions with people as knowledgeable as they were. In my opinion, if their employer was dumb enough to fire them in the first place, then they deserve the consequences of having that position unfilled. At this point it's like shooting themselves in the foot and blaming the worker because they got hurt. Fuck them, let them suffer the consequences!
I am a human and I am a resource
This is nothing but abusive bullshit. She has every right to tell them to go fuck themselves. Employers need to learn that they can't get away with pulling this shit anymore. You short staffed yourself you fucking moron. Deal with it!
Think of the kids
So someone i know who during covid was wfh for a major banking firm. Well now they are being forced into going into the office with one maybe two days a week allowed to wfh. So the ceo gave his yearly speech to everyone and in it he pulled a how work from home hurts the children said children being interns. Apparently they need someone to sit right next to them so they can learn what they already knew from their classes. Yeah it was cringe.