Category: Antiwork
I’ve been working at this job for a few months, just a few weeks after it opened. I’m making 15/hr which is good for this type of job, just need to work to get through college. 3 people in my department were either fired or quit recently so they hired someone 2 days ago who told me that she is making 17/hr. I’m shocked especially because there are talks about me being promoted. Also this girl is friends with my supervisor so that’s probably why. Everyone is telling me that I should use this as leverage to make more money but I think I’m going to quit because I am so angry and take everything personally. Any advice?
Basically my car is scrap, rusted underneath….. so I need a “new” one … it's doable but tight on my current budget. I went to my manager (who is generally understanding) to ask about either a raise or tempish WFH… I was told Company isn't financially able to offer a raise atm, ok fine…. and “your positions requires that you work in the office” … only – its a desk job, I'm on the computer all day, theres nothjng about my day to day tasks that dicate location…And I was wfh for a year+ in the pandemic. I don't even interact with my teammates that much. So the “requirement” is one they've decided on…. They also had no suggestions or anything about my situation, just “we can't do it”. Which is like “well, sucks to be you, get back to work” vibe. Definitely frustrating. And not the only time they've…
Feds Push to End Noncompete Agreements
After several years, I quit my job
My boss who I have known for years kept talking to me like shit. One day I told them “listen, don't talk to me like I'm new because I've worked here for a very long time”. They said that they didn't care, in a very matter of fact tone, and they said how dare I speak them him like that. It was in that moment I made the decision to quit. It just goes to show — don't talk down to your employees and tell them you don't care about them. At least now I can focus on my studies instead of working in that dead-end nightmare. I've felt free ever since.
How do you handle your boredom?
this guy rlly tricked me into two interviews, making it seem like he’s this big shot who vetted me specifically to create a business idea and ultimately a partnership.. it was just a massive presentation to walk me into an MLM SCAM. I’m posting this because I couldn’t find anything on Google or Reddit about this specific approach to trapped young bright individuals into working for free. These are scams. Nobody is coldly reaching out to your naive self about a random partner ship