
CEO Posted Crying Selfie After Layoffs To Show Execs Are ‘Normal People’ Too, He Says

Wallake himself is something of an influencer on LinkedIn, where he has accumulated 28,000 followers. He has written repeatedly about how the platform is best used in posts like “5 Tips for LinkedIn to Optimize Your Presence,” etc etc etc So let me get this right, a CEO puts up a picture on linkedin of him crying over firing employees, a dude that is literarily making posts about how to “optimize your presence” on Linkedin and is a CEO of a marketing company… Yeah, totally human. Not a demon in human flesh at all.

Wallake himself is something of an influencer on LinkedIn, where he has accumulated 28,000 followers. He has written repeatedly about how the platform is best used in posts like “5 Tips for LinkedIn to Optimize Your Presence,” etc etc etc

So let me get this right, a CEO puts up a picture on linkedin of him crying over firing employees, a dude that is literarily making posts about how to “optimize your presence” on Linkedin and is a CEO of a marketing company…

Yeah, totally human.

Not a demon in human flesh at all.

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