
Certifications are just another way for companies to make money.

I know a lot of companies offer free certification for their employees but only if they have a tie up or if it is the company's certification. However, for those who are not employed with that company spending money just so we can specialise in their product doesn't make sense. Add to that the fact that your employer will only reimburse it only if you pass the certificate exam. Also, why should I spend my personal time outside work hours studying for some certificate that my company requires me to do. It should count as work hours. Plus there is the mandatory re-taking of the certification exam after every two years. All of this is just another way for companies to make money.

I know a lot of companies offer free certification for their employees but only if they have a tie up or if it is the company's certification.

However, for those who are not employed with that company spending money just so we can specialise in their product doesn't make sense. Add to that the fact that your employer will only reimburse it only if you pass the certificate exam.

Also, why should I spend my personal time outside work hours studying for some certificate that my company requires me to do. It should count as work hours. Plus there is the mandatory re-taking of the certification exam after every two years.

All of this is just another way for companies to make money.

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