
Change my mind: Zoom is the most anti work aspect of office life

I’m a very task-oriented in my work life and I recently got a job where all they seem to do is have zoom/teams/slack calls all day every day. How can I get anything concrete done when I’m sitting in calls for 6 out of 8 working hours a day? I could work OT but I got this job because I worked so much unpaid OT at my last job! I knew that even with the “return to office” trope, teleconferencing wasn’t going away, and I loathe it so much that I’m moving away from office work all together. Hell, I’ve been the only one physically in the office but still just sat on zoom calls all day. I feel like meetings are so easy to schedule now because of teleconferencing that they’ve just gotten way out of hand since Covid. First world problems, I know…

I’m a very task-oriented in my work life and I recently got a job where all they seem to do is have zoom/teams/slack calls all day every day. How can I get anything concrete done when I’m sitting in calls for 6 out of 8 working hours a day? I could work OT but I got this job because I worked so much unpaid OT at my last job!

I knew that even with the “return to office” trope, teleconferencing wasn’t going away, and I loathe it so much that I’m moving away from office work all together. Hell, I’ve been the only one physically in the office but still just sat on zoom calls all day. I feel like meetings are so easy to schedule now because of teleconferencing that they’ve just gotten way out of hand since Covid.

First world problems, I know…

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