
Change my view: Volunteering is Exploitation

Corporate programs that encourage or require employees to volunteer X amount of hours outside of work are exploitative. Instead of paying for the labor to provide services to their community, they require or encourage workers who are already paid the minimum for their capital generating labor to take time out of their weekends to serve their company’s image or financial incentives. On top of that, you can’t even write off volunteered time on your taxes. For example, I work at a financial institution, and I’m sure that all of my companies volunteer efforts exist to create PR noise, rebuild its shite reputation, and comply with the community reinvestment act. I’m sure good examples of company sponsored volunteering exist, but the vast majority of it seems to be exploitation that everyone smiles at and cheers on as usual.

Corporate programs that encourage or require employees to volunteer X amount of hours outside of work are exploitative. Instead of paying for the labor to provide services to their community, they require or encourage workers who are already paid the minimum for their capital generating labor to take time out of their weekends to serve their company’s image or financial incentives. On top of that, you can’t even write off volunteered time on your taxes.

For example, I work at a financial institution, and I’m sure that all of my companies volunteer efforts exist to create PR noise, rebuild its shite reputation, and comply with the community reinvestment act.

I’m sure good examples of company sponsored volunteering exist, but the vast majority of it seems to be exploitation that everyone smiles at and cheers on as usual.

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