
Cheap ornament and unequal gift distributions

So this happened a long time ago but I still remember it. I worked at a company that had a Christmas party every year where we would all receive our $100 Christmas bonus, and had done so for 4 years. However, one year we had an awful CEO. Instead of a bonus, we all received a cheap oversize Christmas ornament that was supposedly an oil lamp, but you could tell be handling it that it could easily break at the first jostle. Also, there were gifts under the tree intended to be given away by ordered name drawing…and only enough presents for 3/4 of the attending employees. A couple of the gifts were $100 cards, but most were also cheap. I happened to get my name drawn close to the end, and the gift that I drew…was a silly hollow chocolate Santa. I also saw others get things like a…

So this happened a long time ago but I still remember it. I worked at a company that had a Christmas party every year where we would all receive our $100 Christmas bonus, and had done so for 4 years. However, one year we had an awful CEO. Instead of a bonus, we all received a cheap oversize Christmas ornament that was supposedly an oil lamp, but you could tell be handling it that it could easily break at the first jostle. Also, there were gifts under the tree intended to be given away by ordered name drawing…and only enough presents for 3/4 of the attending employees. A couple of the gifts were $100 cards, but most were also cheap. I happened to get my name drawn close to the end, and the gift that I drew…was a silly hollow chocolate Santa. I also saw others get things like a towel, a snow globe, and even a pair of socks. But some people ended up with zero. I tossed both my items into the dumpster the moment I got home from that particular party. Oh and incidentally, the CEO was voted out the following year, and the normal bonus practice resumed.

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