
Clocking in

So I'm back at work now after my maternity leave . My usual day normally I clock in a little bit earlier then everyone else because I go ahead and get everything set up for the area where I work. Well today my supervisor tells me that I'm no longer allowed to clock in till 15 minutes before we're supposed to start, fine that doesn't mean I'm going to help set stuff up like I usually do. Along with her treating me like I don't exist and if she is near by she will only speak Spanish to another employee. She has only spoken English enough today to ask for her phone to be handed to her. She has been constantly complaining to anyone who will listen that she is stressed and acts like her job is very hard to do. I've looked over her daily tasks along with observed…

So I'm back at work now after my maternity leave . My usual day normally I clock in a little bit earlier then everyone else because I go ahead and get everything set up for the area where I work. Well today my supervisor tells me that I'm no longer allowed to clock in till 15 minutes before we're supposed to start, fine that doesn't mean I'm going to help set stuff up like I usually do. Along with her treating me like I don't exist and if she is near by she will only speak Spanish to another employee. She has only spoken English enough today to ask for her phone to be handed to her. She has been constantly complaining to anyone who will listen that she is stressed and acts like her job is very hard to do. I've looked over her daily tasks along with observed them being done and they are not difficult just have to do them in a timely manner. She likes to disappear off the worksite without clocking out but is mad when anyone is gone to the bathroom for more than 5 mins. I have accomodations at work so I can pump and she got upset that her boss approved the accomodations without asking her. Before they were approved she had me pump in her office now I use an office that is empty and no one can bother me during that time. She actually got an attitude with me the first time I used that room when she returned from a mini vacation because I didn't use her office anymore. Mind you people would come in and out randomly including her and it got uncomfortable for me whenever I was in there the rest of my department stayed away and respected my privacy but not so much her. There are more little things that are passive aggressive she does too.

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