
CMV: This sub is badly named

I don't think any but the absolute laziest among us is literally against the very concept of work. Personally, I fucking hate Bullshit Jobs. Jobs that have no intrinsic value or purpose and thus suck the soul out of anyone who does them. I think a lot of people here are anti useless management. Middle managers are quite often a Bullshit Job. Not doing or producing anything, just reporting to people who report to people who don't actually care what the real work is. “I'm not close enough to the detail” is a phrase I hear a lot from people above me. They just need to know what the spreadsheet says. I've literally just not done several tasks or left them for days on end, but if I game the reporting system correctly people will barely ever notice. So I must have a Bullshit Job too. And I'm getting the…

I don't think any but the absolute laziest among us is literally against the very concept of work. Personally, I fucking hate Bullshit Jobs. Jobs that have no intrinsic value or purpose and thus suck the soul out of anyone who does them. I think a lot of people here are anti useless management. Middle managers are quite often a Bullshit Job. Not doing or producing anything, just reporting to people who report to people who don't actually care what the real work is. “I'm not close enough to the detail” is a phrase I hear a lot from people above me. They just need to know what the spreadsheet says. I've literally just not done several tasks or left them for days on end, but if I game the reporting system correctly people will barely ever notice. So I must have a Bullshit Job too. And I'm getting the soul sucked out of me.

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