
Co-worker / friend got mad at me after I told her that I don’t care

I know that I don’t really need this job because I can freelance and am already networking for a way out. My co- worker does criticize management and seems to dislike the micro managing in the office. But at the same time she seems much more invested in the company than me. She is also not a citizen in the country so that’s another country. I know the company doesn’t pay us enough nor treat us with enough respect for me to care. Today I legit got nothing to do and that co- worker for whatever reason does not like seeing me slack off. She got antsy and agitated and suggested stuff for me to do on a Friday at 3:30pm when other ppl left early. I straight up told her it could wait till Monday or later and “ I don’t care “ and I’m leaving early. Boy she…

I know that I don’t really need this job because I can freelance and am already networking for a way out. My co- worker does criticize management and seems to dislike the micro managing in the office. But at the same time she seems much more invested in the company than me. She is also not a citizen in the country so that’s another country. I know the company doesn’t pay us enough nor treat us with enough respect for me to care. Today I legit got nothing to do and that co- worker for whatever reason does not like seeing me slack off. She got antsy and agitated and suggested stuff for me to do on a Friday at 3:30pm when other ppl left early. I straight up told her it could wait till Monday or later and “ I don’t care “ and I’m leaving early. Boy she seemed so embarrassed when I said that cuz it seems like it made her realize that no one is trying to compete with her to do more for this shit company and her overtime was just laughable. I ended up feeling bad for her and stayed at the office till the end of day so she’s not alone but I think that pity offended her even more.

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