
Co-worker meltdown

So I had a interesting day on Wednesday. I usually just keep to myself at work and now trying to find other employment since my job decided to not give raises due to inflation. At my worksite we already had 5 people leave and from other locations people are leaving as well. The work load has been piling up more and more by the day, for myself and those who have decided to stay *I'm doing the bare minimum because I don't care if they fire me at all now*. One of my Co-workers that I really like *nice elderly lady* called me on my work phone in tears… she kept telling me I don't know what to do, I'm going to be cut off my medication, and I'm losing my health insurance, I can't afford it anymore. She kept telling me the amount of work we are doing isn't…

So I had a interesting day on Wednesday. I usually just keep to myself at work and now trying to find other employment since my job decided to not give raises due to inflation. At my worksite we already had 5 people leave and from other locations people are leaving as well. The work load has been piling up more and more by the day, for myself and those who have decided to stay *I'm doing the bare minimum because I don't care if they fire me at all now*. One of my Co-workers that I really like *nice elderly lady* called me on my work phone in tears… she kept telling me I don't know what to do, I'm going to be cut off my medication, and I'm losing my health insurance, I can't afford it anymore. She kept telling me the amount of work we are doing isn't worth how much they are paying us *people quitting* and kept on crying… I'm not someone who talks to people a lot or at all, but I decided to buy her lunch, went to her site for a surprise visit during my lunch break, we had lunch together and I just listened. I felt really sad for her because she is the only one that knows I'm going to job interviews and wants me to succeed.

I hope everything gets better for her…

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