
Cog in a Machine

Hey all! Mostly just lurking here because I am not sure where I quite fall on the “antiwork” spectrum and while I may not agree with some of your views I think its very important to hear them. ​ That being said I wanted to share a quick story that seems like it would jive (jibe?) well with this crew. ​ Quit my job of over a decade to go to a smaller, startup with a better culture/better everything. Was pretty nervous since this was my first time resigning, and it was my first job out of college. My boss, at the time, had once been a peer, then personal supervisor and had risen up to run our entire office. ​ Told him I was resigning, told him why….and he was calm and cool. Said no big deal, he wasn't going to try and counter. Then he told me “Don't…

Hey all!

Mostly just lurking here because I am not sure where I quite fall on the “antiwork” spectrum and while I may not agree with some of your views I think its very important to hear them.

That being said I wanted to share a quick story that seems like it would jive (jibe?) well with this crew.

Quit my job of over a decade to go to a smaller, startup with a better culture/better everything. Was pretty nervous since this was my first time resigning, and it was my first job out of college. My boss, at the time, had once been a peer, then personal supervisor and had risen up to run our entire office.

Told him I was resigning, told him why….and he was calm and cool. Said no big deal, he wasn't going to try and counter. Then he told me “Don't worry, you are a cog in a machine, we'll just replace you with someone else.”

You can imagine how that stung, since I'd given over a decade of my life here and thought I was a good company man.

Things changed when he asked when my last day was. I had been expecting to get frog marched out of there as was typical, but I had prepared. Told him I had already done a lot of the work to transfer my business to someone else, and five days should be more than enough.

He exploded. A litany of expletives, demands that I stay for THREE weeks.

I wish I had been clever enough to throw the “cog” thing back in his face, but I kept my cool and gave a very bland “I'll see what I can do.” In fact, I could, and would, do nothing since I had spent the last week setting myself, and them, for what I thought would be immediate execution. Transferred all my work, let all my clients know and tied up all loose ends, and basically hung out for 3 of the 5 remaining days than bounced to a job that has completely revitalized me.

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