
Colleagues promotion could hinder my salary increase

I've just been seen that my colleague is being offered a permanent position that's also a promotion (we're both fixed term currently). The salary they're offering him is laughable if you compare it like for like with similar jobs in the industry or even previous colleagues within our own team (who earned more in a less senior position than he is being offered). My salary is due for review in a couple of months when I pass the qualification I'm currently studying and I had intended on asking for more than what they're offering him (I have plenty of reasoning to back the figure up) and definitely think he should be paid significantly more than they're offering him. He's only young and currently struggling financially so I'm concerned he may just hear salary increase and not question the figure but this could also hinder my increase in the future. He's…

I've just been seen that my colleague is being offered a permanent position that's also a promotion (we're both fixed term currently).
The salary they're offering him is laughable if you compare it like for like with similar jobs in the industry or even previous colleagues within our own team (who earned more in a less senior position than he is being offered).
My salary is due for review in a couple of months when I pass the qualification I'm currently studying and I had intended on asking for more than what they're offering him (I have plenty of reasoning to back the figure up) and definitely think he should be paid significantly more than they're offering him.
He's only young and currently struggling financially so I'm concerned he may just hear salary increase and not question the figure but this could also hinder my increase in the future.
He's on annual leave for a week but will return to this news. Should I approach this with him and if so, how?

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