
Come back to office to build relationships!

So I work for a very large company. All jobs that didn’t absolutely require you to be physically present were WFH for past two years. Several times they thought we were going to return but pushed out because of COVID. Yay! So last summer they start telling us we’re going back in September. That while we are doing great from home, they believe there is value in coming into the office to build relationships and collaborate, etc. Everyone was going to be coming back in three days a week. Tuesday and Wednesday were mandatory for all so that we could actually see people (vs people picking their days and then you could potentially never see people who didn’t come in those same days)and then some people would come in on Monday and some on Thursday. So we didn’t necessarily love it but it was something. Fast forward to December and…

So I work for a very large company. All jobs that didn’t absolutely require you to be physically present were WFH for past two years. Several times they thought we were going to return but pushed out because of COVID. Yay!

So last summer they start telling us we’re going back in September. That while we are doing great from home, they believe there is value in coming into the office to build relationships and collaborate, etc. Everyone was going to be coming back in three days a week. Tuesday and Wednesday were mandatory for all so that we could actually see people (vs people picking their days and then you could potentially never see people who didn’t come in those same days)and then some people would come in on Monday and some on Thursday. So we didn’t necessarily love it but it was something.

Fast forward to December and we are still not back. Omicron is huge and so we’re told it’s delayed and that they will now be relooking at the positions that come in and those that can WfH. But not to expect a huge change.

So February comes and we find out that tons of positions are now fully virtual while others are required to come in two days a week. Guys, to say that the people who have to come back are not happy is an understatement. No reason given as to why some positions come in and some wfh.

We were also told the following.

If your position is virtual you cannot come in even if you want unless you reserve a “hotel”desk. But you can’t move anywhere you want because you might be asked to occasionally come in for some important meeting. These people have 60 days to come clean out their desks from the time we go back.

New hires who were hired during this wfh period who never had desks will be placed anywhere there is an already empty desk. Keep in mind that the virtual people desks are not empty yet. So these new hires may not be with their actual teams. And the company hasn’t “had time” to rearrange the seating to accommodate these people. No timeline given when they will they will be moved with their team.

Those coming in can now choose which two days to come in. Meaning people who choose alternate days will never see each other. Most of our partner areas are going to be virtual so there will be no building those all important relationships other than with your own team and like one other dept which we already talk daily and have these relationships.

Why are we coming back we ask. The answer: we still believe it’s important to building relationships!

So now some people have to worry about gas and clothes and childcare for elementary kids while they watch all their “partners” wfh and not have to deal with this crap. That’s really building the relationships!

So pissed.

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