
Come into work. Cry. Slave. Tell myself “only 40 more years.”

Never worked from home. Been coming into the office all pandemic. Doing the receiving and sending of mail the whole time, on top of my regular duties. They keep wanting to pile more on me too. I'm the only schmuck who can't work from home. over 2 years of this. I told my boss the other day it's not right they're giving me even more to do. the disgust on her face was palpable. she treats me noticeably different. the 3 other employees who come into the office (only 2 days a week tho) make so many noises. snapping and cracking their gum 7 times per minute. long fake nails clacking away at their keys. snorting and sucking back phlegm. smacking their lips. roof's lookin real inviting. I cry all day. I cry before work. I cry at my desk. I cry after work. I'm quitting smoking so I don't…

Never worked from home. Been coming into the office all pandemic. Doing the receiving and sending of mail the whole time, on top of my regular duties. They keep wanting to pile more on me too.

I'm the only schmuck who can't work from home. over 2 years of this. I told my boss the other day it's not right they're giving me even more to do. the disgust on her face was palpable. she treats me noticeably different.

the 3 other employees who come into the office (only 2 days a week tho) make so many noises. snapping and cracking their gum 7 times per minute. long fake nails clacking away at their keys. snorting and sucking back phlegm. smacking their lips.

roof's lookin real inviting.

I cry all day. I cry before work. I cry at my desk. I cry after work. I'm quitting smoking so I don't even have a relaxing cigarette waiting fer me at the enda the day

I have no degree. I don't know what, if anything, I'm qualified for. I see all my friends either not working at all, or not making as much as me, and I somehow feel fortunate that I have this salary (one that still doesn't afford me a place to live, mind you)

how do I get off this ride. i cry so much and so often it physically hurts now. I want off. I want off

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