
Companies aren’t getting the message. They are at war with the working class. Record profits and then spit in our faces. Well, I think we should stop putting up with bullshit. Some of the stories on this subreddit are down right sad. We need to stand up to the man.

The way we are treated and viewed by higher ups is absolute bullshit. I see people on this subreddit forced to work on vacation, threatened constantly, talked down to – did the world forget that we are all still human beings? There’s posts about bosses threatening pregnant women with “no call no show” after over one hundred days of maternity notice. I’m so sick of this shit. It’s disgusting.

The way we are treated and viewed by higher ups is absolute bullshit. I see people on this subreddit forced to work on vacation, threatened constantly, talked down to – did the world forget that we are all still human beings?

There’s posts about bosses threatening pregnant women with “no call no show” after over one hundred days of maternity notice. I’m so sick of this shit. It’s disgusting.

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