
Companies keep hiring through recruiters and it’s very frustrating.

Before anyone comes for me, I do understand that some recruiting companies are very helpful and reputable. That’s how I got my first job right out of college. My frustration stems from the fact you don’t know what company they work for until you interview with them. It’s super hard to apply to companies you are interested in directly anymore. You technically can on their websites, but more than likely they hire through the recruiter or from within. Why can’t we know what company the job is actually for before applying? My other issue is the recruiters that leave you high and dry. When looking for a new job about a year ago, I applied to so many jobs, and most of them were through a recruiter. I would have a single discussion with them abut a potential position, to never hear from them again. And that wasn’t just one…

Before anyone comes for me, I do understand that some recruiting companies are very helpful and reputable. That’s how I got my first job right out of college. My frustration stems from the fact you don’t know what company they work for until you interview with them. It’s super hard to apply to companies you are interested in directly anymore. You technically can on their websites, but more than likely they hire through the recruiter or from within. Why can’t we know what company the job is actually for before applying?
My other issue is the recruiters that leave you high and dry. When looking for a new job about a year ago, I applied to so many jobs, and most of them were through a recruiter. I would have a single discussion with them abut a potential position, to never hear from them again. And that wasn’t just one recruiter, it was a handful. Searching for jobs is already stressful as it is, but that makes the process extra draining in my opinion.

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