
Company CFO fucking up a small benefit for the rest of us

At our company we have a nice little benefit set up where the company has a tab at a cafe that's in between our metro office and rural office so that employees can stop and get a free coffee or hot chocolate. It's a nice small benefit that people enjoy using, nothing groundbreaking but it's only a small cost (ends up costing the company about $80 a month) and makes employees feel good. Recently it came out that our CFO has been abusing it and using it to have extravagant lunches and so they're having to pull the benefit as now it's costing the company too much. So now the average worker is having to pay for the greed of the CFO who can DEFINITELY afford these lunches and was just abusing the system. My boss is the one who came up with the benefit and she's pissed because any…

At our company we have a nice little benefit set up where the company has a tab at a cafe that's in between our metro office and rural office so that employees can stop and get a free coffee or hot chocolate. It's a nice small benefit that people enjoy using, nothing groundbreaking but it's only a small cost (ends up costing the company about $80 a month) and makes employees feel good.

Recently it came out that our CFO has been abusing it and using it to have extravagant lunches and so they're having to pull the benefit as now it's costing the company too much. So now the average worker is having to pay for the greed of the CFO who can DEFINITELY afford these lunches and was just abusing the system.

My boss is the one who came up with the benefit and she's pissed because any complaint she made about the rising cost would just end up on the CFO's desk anyway.

It's a small thing but highlights the never ending greed of upper management and executives within companies and their complete disregard for the average worker.

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