
Company doesn’t care about employees

Happening presently. I am currently sitting in the emergency room waiting for my wife to be admitted for emergency gall bladder surgery. They have been able to manage the pain so she is comfortable for now. She called into her employer to let them know she will be missing her shift tonight due to this emergency surgery. They thanked her for letting them know and informed her this will end up being an occurrence on her attendance record. They are taking the steps for disciplinary action per company policy because she will be missing work for emergency surgery… We already are burdened with a high deductible copay health insurance and now they won't make an exception for a matter way out of her control. This is why people don't want to work. This is why medical leave is needed. This is why universal health care is needed. People aren't valued…

Happening presently. I am currently sitting in the emergency room waiting for my wife to be admitted for emergency gall bladder surgery. They have been able to manage the pain so she is comfortable for now. She called into her employer to let them know she will be missing her shift tonight due to this emergency surgery.

They thanked her for letting them know and informed her this will end up being an occurrence on her attendance record.

They are taking the steps for disciplinary action per company policy because she will be missing work for emergency surgery…

We already are burdened with a high deductible copay health insurance and now they won't make an exception for a matter way out of her control.

This is why people don't want to work. This is why medical leave is needed. This is why universal health care is needed. People aren't valued anymore. They are viewed as a replaceable commodity.

Tldr: wife needs emergency surgery and her work will be writing her up for missing her shift.

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