
Company lied in Contract, opinions?

Hi All, Will try keep this as short as possible – looking for thoughts/opinions :). I was hired under a Graduate Program post finishing uni. I had been working full time as a Financial/Business Services accountant in the public sector for 3-4 years, completing uni full/part time depending on the semester. I took this Grad Program to pursue a different career path as Financial Accounting just wasn't for me. The program consists of 3 rotations throughout the Finance department. My first rotation was a Project Controller (forecasts for revenue/costs for different projects throughout the year, working with the project managers). I loved it. My second rotation (i'm still in now) was in Financial Accounting which I was not keen on, however they didn't have any other options. The position I took over was available after one of the team members decided to suddenly leave. She was already half way out…

Hi All,

Will try keep this as short as possible – looking for thoughts/opinions :).

I was hired under a Graduate Program post finishing uni. I had been working full time as a Financial/Business Services accountant in the public sector for 3-4 years, completing uni full/part time depending on the semester. I took this Grad Program to pursue a different career path as Financial Accounting just wasn't for me. The program consists of 3 rotations throughout the Finance department. My first rotation was a Project Controller (forecasts for revenue/costs for different projects throughout the year, working with the project managers). I loved it. My second rotation (i'm still in now) was in Financial Accounting which I was not keen on, however they didn't have any other options. The position I took over was available after one of the team members decided to suddenly leave. She was already half way out the door and barely provided training, even when I persisted. She left me high and dry barely touching the surface of this job looking after one of the companies entities. I tried to learn as much about the job as I could but no one knew it. The outsource team wouldn't show me what they did and always responded with “no” “you should be trained on this”, “you were not trained properly”. No help. Along from that my manager was as new as me to the team, she didn't know the job and barely helped when I asked for assistance. The team uses a different system and whenever I asked for help they would ask what did the prior girl say or ask what the process is. How can i know when I haven't even been job trained.

At the start and during the job I expressed how much support/more training I required. I was thrown to the bulls. I was told I was immature and own the job. No help. Another manager who knew the job from prior years called me and asked how I was doing. He mentioned he feels sorry for me because I've been thrown in deep. Apparently he mentioned another person who was to support/help me left, so I actually took over two roles. This manager asked/supported me more than my actual manager who had no time to help/support a grad.

In my recent performance review I was told I didn't bring anything to the team, even tho I'd addressed it many times how much more support I needed. She noted she provided as much support (my team), however the reality is my team, anytime I asked a question they didn't even know what was going on, but its all what I say vs what she thinks.

In my contract I was promised to rotate again. I had been pushing and searching for new roles since Feb (4 months). My grad manager is meant to do this, however the HR grad manager mentioned she dropped the ball and had to jump in to replace her. After multiple meetings with HR, my manager, grad manager and repeatedly told finance is restructuring so they arent sure whats going on, I was i finally told today there will be no rotatioin because of the restructure nothing is available. I'm stuck. Lost and still finding new things about the role 6 months in. Constantly asked for reports I didnt know existed. When I ask for help they mention to look at the prior employees work, once I find, no help is given. I'm on a grad salary, in a full-time role. I asked for a new contract to reflect, however backlash – I was told to hang around until something becomes available, use resources to learn what I want to do (even tho I have told them multiple times what I want to project manager or controller). My old role doesn't exist anymore.

I could have written this post a lot more fluid but I'm exhausted. I work most nights 9am – 10pm. I'm stuck back in the type of accounting I hate. I'm considering a career jump to either Project Management or Project controller as I enjoyed those roles. Opinions? Is it time to jump ship? I am currently applying for new positions. For reference I'm almost 28, I know what I want to do with my life and this isnt it. great company but not the right opps for me. Life is too short to be so stressed out everyday. If my company promised 3 rotations in my contract and they don't pursue, is this illegal?

Thanks everyone.

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