
Company wanted me to work for them, but didn’t want to make me an offer

Title. This has been the weirdest job application I have ever had. This was for an IT job in Europe. I have about 15 years of experience in this field. Recruiter contacts me about a position at this company. I check it out and tell them “I need to make this much or there is no point changing jobs for me, but I'm interested.” Company gets back to them with “We can make it work”. First interview is set up and we hit it off nicely. The interviewer starts talking about setting up more interviews (at least 2 more). I tell him that I would like to see a proper job offer featuring salary and benefits first. Then all of a sudden I get blindsided. Interviewer: “Don't start working here if you are expecting to make more money.” Me, very confused: “This is not what your HR has said.” Interviewer…

Title. This has been the weirdest job application I have ever had. This was for an IT job in Europe. I have about 15 years of experience in this field.

Recruiter contacts me about a position at this company. I check it out and tell them “I need to make this much or there is no point changing jobs for me, but I'm interested.” Company gets back to them with “We can make it work”. First interview is set up and we hit it off nicely. The interviewer starts talking about setting up more interviews (at least 2 more). I tell him that I would like to see a proper job offer featuring salary and benefits first. Then all of a sudden I get blindsided.

Interviewer: “Don't start working here if you are expecting to make more money.”

Me, very confused: “This is not what your HR has said.”

Interviewer starts panicking and tries to explain himself. He fails spectacularly and decides to drop the subject.

The interview ends and we go back and forth through the recruiter. They want to know exactly what I am making so they can figure out how to give me what I want. Fine, I give them EVERYTHING and of course “upscale” it, because I can already see the writing on the wall.

2 weeks go by without any reply. I already figure that they won't continue on with me. Surprisingly they get back to me eventually. They are not willing to pay me more than what I'm getting now, so all of the info that I gave them basically. I tell them “OK, let's see it then, show me what you are willing to offer. You have all the info.” Over a week goes by again until I get another phone call. The company had decided to not continue the interview process for me.

Bullet dodged. Even with all numbers provided, they did not want to give me a proper salary range and offer so early on in the interview process. They didn't want me that badly I guess.

Don't fall for sweet nothings like “We have a match” and “We would love you to work for us”. Make them prove it before letting them waste your time. Ask for the salary.

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