
confronted my boss about my missing certification [story to go with photos]

So I've been working as an industrial hygienist for about 10 months now.. At month 2 I passed my niosh 582/7400 exam since then i have been conducting aggressive air clearances, both PCM and TEM.. I found out recently that my boss had never actually made my niosh 582 certificate. This was baffling to me as I passed the test almost 8 months ago. I approached him about it and he shook it off and said well you don't really need it because I have already passed you and they're never gonna really check… I although thought that was bullshit also don't want to get fired. Highway did a couple weeks and then I spoke to him again about the topic. He used that time to chew me out and ask me if I was “dictating dictating his work”. Fast forward to today and I got in touch with someone…

So I've been working as an industrial hygienist for about 10 months now.. At month 2 I passed my niosh 582/7400 exam since then i have been conducting aggressive air clearances, both PCM and TEM.. I found out recently that my boss had never actually made my niosh 582 certificate. This was baffling to me as I passed the test almost 8 months ago. I approached him about it and he shook it off and said well you don't really need it because I have already passed you and they're never gonna really check…

I although thought that was bullshit also don't want to get fired. Highway did a couple weeks and then I spoke to him again about the topic. He used that time to chew me out and ask me if I was “dictating dictating his work”.

Fast forward to today and I got in touch with someone from the American industrial hygienist association.. He basically told me what my boss was doing was straight up illegal and so he also advised that I email my boss with all of that information that we went over. I took his advice and I emailed my boss that working without the actual certificate was in fact illegal.. He never answered so I copy and pasted it to a text… He answered immediately.

He kept trying to gaslightly saying “”how did this come up” And other things such as “”I wish you came and spoke to me”.

Lo and behold I now have my niosh 582 certification.

Also, he's Republican, just saying.

The 'workers party'.

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