
Considering giving my boss an ultimatum

To clarify, I actually have a good job (although I don’t like it.) Before Christmas I received another job offer and I met with my boss about receiving a raise and more bonus incentives or else I was on my way out. I received a raise immediately, but he never followed through on the bonus incentives even though he specifically told me he would get that done for me and he just had to go through upper management. I’ve been patient and here we are almost in June and nothing has come of it even though I continue to exceed all of my goals and blow them out of the water. I’ve reminded him on 4 separate occasions a month apart each time and he just keeps saying “oh they just haven’t got back with me yet. I’ll email them again.” I find it hard to believe that he’s got…

To clarify, I actually have a good job (although I don’t like it.)

Before Christmas I received another job offer and I met with my boss about receiving a raise and more bonus incentives or else I was on my way out. I received a raise immediately, but he never followed through on the bonus incentives even though he specifically told me he would get that done for me and he just had to go through upper management. I’ve been patient and here we are almost in June and nothing has come of it even though I continue to exceed all of my goals and blow them out of the water. I’ve reminded him on 4 separate occasions a month apart each time and he just keeps saying “oh they just haven’t got back with me yet. I’ll email them again.” I find it hard to believe that he’s got NO response after nearly 6 months and “multiple emails” and have a feeling he’s lying and just stalling paying me.

What are your thoughts? This isn’t me going to him saying “hey I think I deserve this it’d be cool if we could make this happen.” He straight up told me he would get it done for me and it played into my decision of staying with the company. At this point I’m not even ticked off about the money, but more so by the fact that my boss would lie to me to delay paying me what I’m owed after I chose to stay with the company based on what he told me. So I’m planning on threatening to quit if I don’t receive these bonus incentives immediately. I don’t think I’ll find another job as high paying as the one I have now, but I’m over the shady stuff my boss is doing to his highest performing employee. Do you think I’m being unreasonable?

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