
considering quitting, second opinions needed

background: i currently am employed part time at a small local ice cream/coffee store. i only get shifts from may-september. originally 30-40 hours a week which dwindled to around 15 to nothing because of winter. reasons im considering quitting: • i was given a giant stack of papers to fill out. one of which told me i cannot discuss my pay rate with my coworkers, which i believe is not applicable in ontario, canada? i am making 50 cents more than minimum wage. • i feel unfairly scrutinized compared to my coworkers. in the beginning, my manager would come up to me and say “we need to talk in the back.” she would essentially scold me for standing for a minute while someone was ordering because i was “doing nothing” when i could be cleaning something (even if i just finished a task) mind you im a whole 21 years…

background: i currently am employed part time at a small local ice cream/coffee store. i only get shifts from may-september. originally 30-40 hours a week which dwindled to around 15 to nothing because of winter.

reasons im considering quitting:

• i was given a giant stack of papers to fill out. one of which told me i cannot discuss my pay rate with my coworkers, which i believe is not applicable in ontario, canada? i am making 50 cents more than minimum wage.

• i feel unfairly scrutinized compared to my coworkers. in the beginning, my manager would come up to me and say “we need to talk in the back.” she would essentially scold me for standing for a minute while someone was ordering because i was “doing nothing” when i could be cleaning something (even if i just finished a task) mind you im a whole 21 years of age, yet she speaks to me as if im a child.

• i never notice her take anyone else to the back. i complete all of my tasks, i adhere to every standard, and i am efficient. yet i get threatened in the back because i was trying to find a button on the microwave (i took an extra 30 seconds to do this btw) instead of running over to her in a rush and asking her what to press? i was told “this is the last time i’ll tell you to speak up. you need to speak up like (other coworker)” this really rubbed me the wrong way. she constantly tells me to act more like my other coworker lmao

• she has on multiple occasions cancelled my shift an hour in advance because of weather. and i am not paid for my cancelled shift.

• originally i was told i would be working 30 ish hours a week. after two new employees were hired, my hours dropped to 15 a week. i was told that she simply needed to accommodate to other employees…

• she has made me feel valued at times, by praising me for how well i do a specific task and telling everyone in the store how good i am, or telling me that she can’t wait to have me back on the team for the summer time, but im 21 now and nearing the end of university and i feel like im being treated like a child. it can’t be normal to be scolded in the back to the extent i am for mundane errors?

honestly, i get anxiety when she walks through the door and i am dreading the summer season for when i have to go back to work… there’s good times, the pay is nice, and i get decent hours for a part time worker (up to 35 a week for the two busy months) but i feel like im simply tolerated lol.

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