
Contract job is offering less pay for a job that requires more skill.

The company I work at has union representation but not in my department, and while I have expressed that my department can be in that same union I have heard nothing but the same “we are looking into it” answers. The current rate difference is $2/hour. We are about to have an overhire contract to bring some safety concerns up to code and they are hiring the union workers and myself for this job but are only paying me the “non-union” wage for literally the same work. If there is any advice on getting my position unionized all help would be appreciated. I already have meetings set up with the local office and with the company.

The company I work at has union representation but not in my department, and while I have expressed that my department can be in that same union I have heard nothing but the same “we are looking into it” answers. The current rate difference is $2/hour. We are about to have an overhire contract to bring some safety concerns up to code and they are hiring the union workers and myself for this job but are only paying me the “non-union” wage for literally the same work. If there is any advice on getting my position unionized all help would be appreciated. I already have meetings set up with the local office and with the company.

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