
contract or Full time work?

I'm still battling in my head. What's better in the world of tech. I have a 4 month old daughter. We both are in good shape but i never had to deal with health insurance in US before. Which pathway should I strive to be on? I have done contract work all along and made a decent living. I just don't get any benefits or PTO. I'm so over the concept of job security or climbing up the ladder. It's all nonsense. Thoughts please and thanks in advance

I'm still battling in my head. What's better in the world of tech. I have a 4 month old daughter. We both are in good shape but i never had to deal with health insurance in US before. Which pathway should I strive to be on?

I have done contract work all along and made a decent living. I just don't get any benefits or PTO. I'm so over the concept of job security or climbing up the ladder. It's all nonsense.

Thoughts please and thanks in advance

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