
Contract terminated me 2 months into 6 month contract. What are my options?

I accepted a contract role that started at the end of May to last until the end of November. Two weeks after I on-boarded, my manager went on stress/sick leave for over a month and I had nothing to do. I did ask for work and what I could help with. I set up meetings to work with others as well but they wouldn't come. My coworkers would say in a call or team meeting that they needed my help with X new work but wouldn't include me in emails or meetings. I have emails where I have asked my manager's stand-in if she needed any help and they told me I would get more work once things ramped up. Even as late as last week. When my manager came back, he gave me other assignments that I completed. I got the call from the temp agency that they were…

I accepted a contract role that started at the end of May to last until the end of November. Two weeks after I on-boarded, my manager went on stress/sick leave for over a month and I had nothing to do. I did ask for work and what I could help with. I set up meetings to work with others as well but they wouldn't come. My coworkers would say in a call or team meeting that they needed my help with X new work but wouldn't include me in emails or meetings. I have emails where I have asked my manager's stand-in if she needed any help and they told me I would get more work once things ramped up. Even as late as last week.

When my manager came back, he gave me other assignments that I completed.

I got the call from the temp agency that they were terminating me effective EOD due to performance. They confirmed the end of my employment via email and what steps I need to take to give back my equipment, unemployment etc. I read my contract and it does say employment is at-will, but the employee handbook states that if there are procedural issues, there should be some type of counseling from the employer or the agency but is not guaranteed/they could skip that step.

The assignments that I was on I did not get negative feedback. I have emails offering assistance to the team but they ensured me there would be more work to do, even as late as last week, I was copied on existing assignments that I was working with others with. I have all those emails saved.

Are there any options for me?

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