
Contract worker

I am a contract employee with an agency. I recently was submitted to a position. 40hr/week. 8 hour days. $2690/wk When I interviewed I was told actually this is a 12 hour nights job. With block scheduling and no on call hours. So I consider it and tell my agency let’s go for it but I want all the details in writing. Since the job is 2.5 hours away I want to make sure all the days are together so I can come home in between. Then my agency says “since it’s only 36 hrs/wk the pay is $2420. “. I do the math. It’s still worth it so I say okay. First contract reads 8hr days @ $2420/wk. I kick it back and say nope. They attempt to fix it and it reads 12/hr nights @ $2420. No mention of blocked scheduling and there is an on call rate…

I am a contract employee with an agency.

I recently was submitted to a position.

40hr/week. 8 hour days. $2690/wk

When I interviewed I was told actually this is a 12 hour nights job. With block scheduling and no on call hours.

So I consider it and tell my agency let’s go for it but I want all the details in writing. Since the job is 2.5 hours away I want to make sure all the days are together so I can come home in between.

Then my agency says “since it’s only 36 hrs/wk the pay is $2420. “. I do the math. It’s still worth it so I say okay.

First contract reads 8hr days @ $2420/wk. I kick it back and say nope. They attempt to fix it and it reads 12/hr nights @ $2420. No mention of blocked scheduling and there is an on call rate in the contract.

I kick it back again and say I need all these details in writing before I sign. But I start working on some of the paperwork for the job in the mean time. As I’m going through it I find there is a training day scheduled. On day shift, during in of my work weeks, in a different city that’s 2.5hrs from my house and 2 hours from the job.

So I email again and say this won’t fly. I’m not working an extra 8 hours in a city I already stated I would not work in, as an extra shift.

Response. “You have already asked for A LOT of considerations for this job”. You should do this. I respond “what have I asked for other than to have things in writing?” I was flexible and changed shifts, took a pay rate cut as a result, and wanted what was promised in writing. I actually asked for nothing special or extra.

Waiting to hear back from agency. pretty sure this job isn’t happening. What a waste of time.

Would anyone have done things differently? If so, what and how?


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