
Coping with the guilt from leaving, but also so. excited.

Backstory: Working for a multi million tech reseller company since last July. At first it was great, but when I was hired I was told it would be “hybrid” its not, I'm training other people now and it feels like pulling teeth to get a remote day and I don't have the right equipment to make it work anyway. The CEO has been hiring his retired already wealthy friends as “consultants” instead of hiring people for the bull pen, the rest of us are drowning in work. Also he changed the insurance contribution without telling us, so I will be losing money coming up here. The biggest thing is that the people who are solid here, who I know make six figures, are also working 10 plus hours more often than not. Which is not what I want to regularly do in the future. Got offered a completely remote job…

Backstory: Working for a multi million tech reseller company since last July. At first it was great, but when I was hired I was told it would be “hybrid” its not, I'm training other people now and it feels like pulling teeth to get a remote day and I don't have the right equipment to make it work anyway. The CEO has been hiring his retired already wealthy friends as “consultants” instead of hiring people for the bull pen, the rest of us are drowning in work. Also he changed the insurance contribution without telling us, so I will be losing money coming up here.

The biggest thing is that the people who are solid here, who I know make six figures, are also working 10 plus hours more often than not. Which is not what I want to regularly do in the future.

Got offered a completely remote job in my old industry that I know and am comfortable with. They have unlimited time off, pay 100% of health insurance and just seems way more chill. My mental health of being able to go to the gym during lunch, cook my own food in my apartment, and be able to move and relax when I want to is going to do wonders for my mental health.

I feel a little guilty because I like a lot of my co-workers, and I had some family emergency stuff last week and HR was really understanding. But I also know I need to put myself and my future happiness first.

Wish me luck for when I put in my 1 week notice this afternoon! (Kind of hoping they just let me go…)

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