
Corporate is coming tomorrow and management is panicking. Any advice for me?

Some context: I am definitely the “we should form a union” sort of troublemaker at work. I have very little skin in the game because I’m part time, so it has made it easy for me to stand up for my coworkers to management. With that said, the place is falling apart. Holes in the roof leaking into the classrooms (it’s a preschool) when it rains, the break room door handle literally came off in my hand the other day, there’s dying smoke alarms near the kitchen that management just takes the batteries out of. There’s also rampant racism and nepotism with how management structures the schedules and classrooms. The women of color all take on the most challenging classrooms and frequently have their breaks cut short so the white women can have their scheduled breaks (I’m white if it makes a difference, I just don’t get breaks because I’m…

Some context: I am definitely the “we should form a union” sort of troublemaker at work. I have very little skin in the game because I’m part time, so it has made it easy for me to stand up for my coworkers to management.

With that said, the place is falling apart. Holes in the roof leaking into the classrooms (it’s a preschool) when it rains, the break room door handle literally came off in my hand the other day, there’s dying smoke alarms near the kitchen that management just takes the batteries out of. There’s also rampant racism and nepotism with how management structures the schedules and classrooms. The women of color all take on the most challenging classrooms and frequently have their breaks cut short so the white women can have their scheduled breaks (I’m white if it makes a difference, I just don’t get breaks because I’m part time). We have been short staffed for months, and any new hires quit within three weeks.

They’ve been pushing this last week for us to suddenly be following all these corporate procedures without training us on them. I even made a good faith attempt to train myself on some of it, but all available training was for management and assistant management and I would’ve had to request access (from corporate ironically).

I’m fully expecting management to be following corporate around tomorrow like a mother hen, but if I find myself alone with them, any suggestions on how to throw management under the bus while I’m there? Again, I really don’t care if this gets me fired. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

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