
Corporate metrics should be abolished do you agree?

Metrics since their introduction into the workforce have been used to underpay, overwork, and extort employees. It is a game that honestly shouldn't matter. Everyday “doing our best” might look different. It also varies person to person. I believe it's time we either stop using it to manipulate and discriminate people or abolish it entirely. I'm tired of hearing that corporations are doing shitty things that have been burning out my closest friends to the point where they don't have time to socialize anymore. We deserve better.

Metrics since their introduction into the workforce have been used to underpay, overwork, and extort employees. It is a game that honestly shouldn't matter. Everyday “doing our best” might look different. It also varies person to person. I believe it's time we either stop using it to manipulate and discriminate people or abolish it entirely. I'm tired of hearing that corporations are doing shitty things that have been burning out my closest friends to the point where they don't have time to socialize anymore. We deserve better.

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