
Corporate Screwed My Bonus

I work for a chain ice cream company. They’ve raised prices three times in the past year for “supply chain issues” and cut our bonuses back so the most I’ll ever get is $250/month. My shop brought in almost $18,000 over our sales plan in the last month and they’re handing us $250 of that profit for doing all the work. Under our old bonus program that would’ve been almost $1,000 that I would’ve received. Fuck corporations.

I work for a chain ice cream company. They’ve raised prices three times in the past year for “supply chain issues” and cut our bonuses back so the most I’ll ever get is $250/month. My shop brought in almost $18,000 over our sales plan in the last month and they’re handing us $250 of that profit for doing all the work. Under our old bonus program that would’ve been almost $1,000 that I would’ve received.
Fuck corporations.

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