
Corrective Action for Citing Labor Law

Backstory – So I work in California. I normally have weekends off, and my company has a very liberal time off policy. Well, I ended up pulling my back at the gym and was out for a few days (which counted as one call out because of my doctor’s note), then a week later I had to take care of family (covered under FMLA), but got sick from them. So I called out again for both days. The way I see it, I’m not a slave and my benefits are there to use. My boss switches my days, but tells me its because of scheduling, effectively taking my weekends from me (which could have been used to recover from being sick), then tells me that he’ll give me an alternate day off the next week so that my weekends can continue as planned. This would be fine, EXCEPT, nobody tells…

Backstory – So I work in California. I normally have weekends off, and my company has a very liberal time off policy. Well, I ended up pulling my back at the gym and was out for a few days (which counted as one call out because of my doctor’s note), then a week later I had to take care of family (covered under FMLA), but got sick from them. So I called out again for both days. The way I see it, I’m not a slave and my benefits are there to use. My boss switches my days, but tells me its because of scheduling, effectively taking my weekends from me (which could have been used to recover from being sick), then tells me that he’ll give me an alternate day off the next week so that my weekends can continue as planned. This would be fine, EXCEPT, nobody tells me when I’m supposed to be off. So I keep coming to work, expecting to be told when I can stay home, until I show up to work and my boss calls me in to talk. He tells me that I wasn’t supposed to come in, and when I tell him that nobody told me, he gives me the choice of either staying and having the next day off (which would have given me three consecutive days off since the weekends were a day away), OR, leave and come back tomorrow. Me being the smart noodle I am, I told him that since he changed me days, I had no say and would do whatever he told me to do since I had already officially clocked in. He told me to go home, so I went home. Then the next week, when I asked for “Reporting Pay”, which is pay you get for half of what your shift is worth when you get sent home involuntarily, which was the case. My boss gets so upset, that he calls me in (with another supervisor there as a witness) and basically tells me that since I came to him with the labor law to reference about the day he sent me home, I’m set for a write up for insubordination. What the fuck.

TLDR: Had days off changed for me, boss fucked up scheduling, I came in on my day off, got sent home and got in trouble for asking to be paid for showing up/ referencing labor law.

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