
Covering Abortion expenses isn’t the gesture of kindness you might think it is.

A lot of companies aresending out emails about how they're going to cover your travel expenses to go get an abortion if you need it. These are often the same companies funneling the profits created by your labour into the pockets of the same right-wing politicians who are dismantling your rights. What better way to make an employee completely dependent on their employer than to make basic human rights a perk of working at their company? Stop praising companies for doing the minimum. don't go to work on Monday.

A lot of companies aresending out emails about how they're going to cover your travel expenses to go get an abortion if you need it. These are often the same companies funneling the profits created by your labour into the pockets of the same right-wing politicians who are dismantling your rights.

What better way to make an employee completely dependent on their employer than to make basic human rights a perk of working at their company? Stop praising companies for doing the minimum. don't go to work on Monday.

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